Get a Referral to PFC

Referrals can be made by any partnering agency.  Once you decide the program could be a good fit for you and your family, you will be referred to the program by a community partner and a coordinator will spend time learning about you and your family and help you identify unique strengths and needs.

The coordinator will help guide you in the creation of your family's support team, which includes people you choose - family, friends, professionals, and anyone else who has been supportive or helpful to you and your family.  At a collaborative team meeting, a plan will be created that is intended to help meet your family's goals.

The coordinator will meet regularly with you and your team to determine what is working and what is not.  The plan can be adjusted anytime you see it is necessary.


While there will always be new concerns and issues that you might be faced with, there will come a time when you will feel that you have the tools and supports necessary to face these challenges without regular involvement.  This is when you will know you are ready to begin the transition process.  The coordinator will help you create a transition plan that will help you know how to utilize the resources available to you.

Components of Success

  • Commitment to the Process
  • Willingness to Participate in Goal Planning
  • Complete a Muliple Agency Release Form
  • Open Communication
  • Commitment to Follow Through

What Can I Expect From The Team?

  • Confidentiality
  • Professional Conduct By Staff
  • Listening To Your Needs
  • Team Accountability
  • Non-Judgemental Atmosphere
  • Straight Talk
  • Resources
  • Team Service Planning